Neema P.

Neema P.

Приймає нових учнів
Безплатне пробне заняття

Neema P.

Приймає нових учнів
Безплатне пробне заняття

I will work with you within your set goals to excellence.

  • Пропонує онлайн-заняття
  • Від  200 kr
  • Бажаний час: ввечері, у вихідні
Ціна Від 200 kr
Бажаний час: ввечері, у вихідні


Sharing information, knowledge and helping students meet their goals and excel is something I enjoy. My style is goal oriented. You set the goals and together we work to achieve it and excel at it. I have experience with classroom english tutoring, have published poetry and written acadamic papers in the English langauage. My biology knowledge is at university level, but your goals will determine what I can offer.

Типи уроку

Trial lesson

Depending on your set learning goals for english, I can use poetry or short narratives to introduce the student to grammar, locate level and determine the pace of learning.

Безплатно / 30 хв.
Standard lesson

200 kr / 55 хв.